Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christamas

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

As I am writing this , it is snowing out here. Yesterday the snow started melting and due to new snow storm we are getting another round of snow.  Portland might set a new snowfall record.

Xmas Greeting from Sweet Santa
Xmas Greeting from Sweet Santa

Monday, December 22, 2008

Fall Gardening

(Edited to Add: This post was written on Nov 15th 2008 and I forgot to publish it)

Last sunday, I took break from cooking and we ordered food from the restaurant . I had so much energy left after the usual routine chores and decided to spend some time in our garden. After lunch ,I headed out to the garden and CB was in charge of NR .

It took me almost an hour to  weed and prepare the flower bed in the front yard to plant bulbs.  It took another 3- 3.5 hrs to plant 150 bulbs of  Crocus Remembrance (I love these deep purple flowers), Crocus Pickwick , Tulipa Casa Grande  and Tulipa Bastogne which meant digging 150 holes each 4 inch in depth .  I also planted Hyrbrid Hosta and colacasia esculenta in the west side of the garden. My garden soil is clay in nature few inches below ground level but thanks to bulb planter, I didn't feel the stress on my wrist. The forecast for the upcoming week had shower almost every single day  so I decided to rake the bed of leaves from the lawn and front yard. By the time I finished everything , it was dark and almost 6.30pm. I was only soul on our street working on the yard in the cold winter night. My warm clothes and the hard manual labour kept my body warm.

Hope my hard work pays ; ).  I couldn't wait to see the full bloom during next spring.

I took a warm bath and my whole body ached. My recovery after the 5 months of bed rest during pregnancy and delivery is really slow and I still suffer from bad back aches if I walk a little bit or do streneous work at home. This day was no better it was worse. I walked like a hunch back woman till CB applied some special oil on my back and gave a good massage. Thanks CB for being my personal masseur : ). CB, I Love you for taking care of me like a mother, father, good friend and husband.

Presenting seeseebeeHOMESTAY

Thanks to continuous snow since Dec 13th , seeseebeehomestead has become seeseebeeHOMESTAY.  It's been snowing non stop from last Thursday . Getting struck in your own home with no way to go out even to get basic provision - SUCKS BIG TIME. Thank god we have stocked up on NR's feeding needs and basic groceries . Thanks to natural gas we are staying warm and getting hot water at the turn of the faucet. Magical snow flakes are creating nightmare for shoppers and shop keepers.

Nature is adding its own depression to already depressed economy.  Hoping and praying for the weather to clear enabling us to carry on with our travel to India coming weekend.

Snowday Day 2 -7 - 9
Snowday Day 2 -7 - 9

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snowday 7


December 2008 Snow week
December 2008 Snow week

It's been snowing everyday since last Saturday. I have lived in Portland for a decade and I have never seen snow like this. Portland winters are mild with few snow days but heavy rains. I heard that we had snow storm in Jan 2004 . We were vacationing in India at that time . It's magical to watch the snow fall . Thanks to the sun-breaks in between the snow did not accumulate on the ground else we would have at least 3 feet of snow .  The unexpected snow has dwindled the shopping plans for last week and this week for our upcoming trip.  We had to cancel doctor appts due to the slick road condition. 

We got a little break from snowfall last Thursday for few hours. We got last minute appt for NR . He got his third shot of HIB vaccine and travel medication list from his pediatrician. NR's pediatrician is the director of west side clinic and he was kind enough to accommodate us in the last minute.  While waiting for him, we saw him carry a tiny baby in his hands and later on we came to know he has just completed circumcision for the two week old boy baby. Here in US they recommend circumcision for the boys just after birth and it is usually done in the hospital where you deliver.  I learnt that it can be done in clinic within two weeks of birth .The baby cried  non stop and  I got uneasy hearing him cry. I think I haven't yet got out of my baby blues. God bless his parents who were very young and they are dealing with this along with postpartum recovery .  

We decided to opt out this procedure for NR after his birth .  We were even scared to change diapers for NR after his birth knowing how fragile their organs are just after birth . We definitely don't want add fear of infection to the diaper change.Moreover majority of the Indian males never have this surgery so CB and my dad never wanted this to be done for NR.  My kudos to new parents who handle delivery all by themselves and take care of baby with surgery.  

When we came home, I had to clear the snow from our driveway and we did not have the snow shovel. It took more than 15  minutes to clear few inches of  snow using my gardening shovel.  But a helpful neighbour who was clearing her driveway and walkways in our street came and helped me out.  I gave her hug and thanked her.  I felt the spirit of christmas .

I made use of the few hours of sunshine and did  little shopping  leaving sleeping NR with CB who worked from home .It started snowing again when I reached the shop but  road in the city did not accumulate snow due tp the heavy traffic. So few items on "gift list" is crossed. I  took care of our dinner by ordering take out  from P F changs.

I have not started packing yet and we are travelling next week. We have planned to start the packing this weekend. I usually make 100 trips  to the store to buy gifts for  relatives and friends back in India. We usally carry only two set of dress of ourselves and rest of the space is reserved for gifts to take home.  We have become a unofficial Mr and Mrs Santa in our family. This year it is completely different. Not having time even to do everyday chores and CB's work schedule has hampered our shopping trips. I have been ordering things online for NR and electronic gift so that part is taken care thanks to the online shopping sites and prompt delivery inspite of snow.  Due to this unexpected weather we might end up buying gifts in India.

First Christmas gift

My blog friend sheela paid  a surprise visit to our home on 5th of this month with her family. I was delighted to see little oggie and Ana and we had nice time getting to know each other and our kids.  Little oggie got attached to me immediately and Ana was curious and happy . Ana is a  proud sister and loves her brother immensely. It was nice to see such loving bond between the Ana and oggie . 

Sheela & family attended christmas party near our home and decided to visit NR. This is the first time she is seeing NR in person though I have been sending NR photos thru mail.  She brought Christmas gifts for NR and for our family.  She was the  first person to give a sweater set to NR even before he was born. Even we haven't bought anything for NR at that time. Now , she is the first person to give Christmas gift to NR.  NR plays with the toy all the time. NR loves the toy since it has all his fav rhymes. He randomly turns the pages and he is delighted to hear different rhymes every time.

Thanks sheela for taking time to visit us inspite of your busy schedule .

NR's first Xmas gift
NR's first Xmas gift

Sunday, December 14, 2008

First snow day

First day of snow

We had snow fall throughout this morning till dusk. The entire neighbourhood is filled with snow. The arrival of snow adds another layer of joy to the festive season. I am hoping to have a white christmas like last year and years before.


We have huge picture windows throughout our house. The picture window in our family room faces our garden. Our home is in the lower elevation than our neighbours and we have natural rocks/boulders as retaining wall in our garden.  We have a maple tree in the corner of garden and weeping cherry tree in the corner near our picture window.   I love watching the maple tree change its color  by the season.  Fall gardening is hard due to back breaking chores like pruning , weeding and collecting bags and bags of fallen leaves. It's especially hard after a delivery , not so easy postpartum and managing a 8 month throughout the day.  But I do it with love knowing that we will have a beautiful display of colors during spring and fall next year.  I love having  my cup of tea in the morning watching our garden. We have stayed in many beautiful places but sipping a cup of tea with view of my garden gives me immense satisfaction.

I leave NR in his high chair or in his stroller near the picture window facing our garden . I  can watch him from our kitchen and he checks me out constantly just to make sure that his mom is there next to him.  He loves watching trees for hours together.  NR goes into nishtai (dissolution of the self into Oneness of Brahmam or Sivam or god) by watching trees. At times he talks , he giggles and gaze at them thinking so deeply.  He has been watching two portraits depicting tree lined Italian countryside from his birth and he loves those two pictures. He started observing trees during our summer walks in the stroller .  My 13 year niece used to joke that those two pictures are NR lovers and he is going to marry them : ).

NR was mesmirized by the powdery snow fall. He had such joy in his face and was very happy seeing the snow fall for more than an hour.  We kept ourselves warm by staying indoors. I had marathan cooking day today and managed to cook for next three days within two hours.

I am extremely thankful this weekend for able to watch this snow fall as a family . We had bit of mishap on friday. NR fell of on the carpet from his baby carrier due my one sec stupidity.  Last week , we bought a new baby carrier for our upcoming trip to India. I was carrying NR in  front position for last couple of days. Though he loves to be with me while doing the chores, he felt little tight at times. So I tried to check the new back position. I was able to put him on the back position all by myself  and while trying to take NR from the carrier , I took my shoulder strap off  while sitting on the bed. I dunno what made me to think that my husband sitting inches away in sofa might be able to safely take NR from the carrier. I just turned and right at that time NR decided to arch his body back  and I lost the grip and within flashing sec he just fell off on the carpeted floor. I have never seen my husband so distraught like this in the past 17  years not even at this dad's funeral.  I called his pediatrician and he asked us to watch for some symptoms. NR was okay but even after an hour we were really scared so we took him to the ER .  The dr came and just checked his head and said he is doing fine. He spent hardly 10 minutes with us and we waited 2  hrs for this 10 minutes check up. The wait was gruelling but NR made the full use of it.  It was well past his bed time but he was so active and enjoyed all the bright lights in the lobby.  I thanked his guardian angel for watching over him.  I am a paranoid mom who watches her son throughout day but  one split sec decision to turn my back  from the bed caused us so much grief. I did not sleep that night and I kissed NR thousand times and asked him to forgive me  for taking a stupid decision that scared him.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


I am a VegSeatarian. Yes, I eat vegetables and love sea foods specially crab. Though I like fish very much I eat only particular varieties like anchovies, seer fish ,pom fret and sankara (red snapper). My hometown is not a port town so we don't get fresh fish . We rarely get pom fret. We can get "almost fresh crab"  since they had good shelf  life unlike fish. My paternal grandmother made crab dishes and she taught my elder sister to clean and cook crab . So , my sister became the official crab chef  in my house . My mother never knew to clean or cook crab. Now during my visits to India she makes crab and I am not sure when she learnt it.

During my college /working days I used to travel from chennai to my hometown almost every weekend.  I learnt the art of travel conversation during those days.  I never liked bus travel till KPN buses came into business. I met lot of interesting people during my train journeys.  People wanted to know everything about you during those short 8 hours journey.

I always had atleast one brahmin co passenger travelling  with me to my hometown from chennai.  Just after 10 minutes of conversation with me , their usual question would be " Are from this Sri.........?  which implicitly means Are you Iyer or Iyengar ? Thanks to the famous temple, the residents of Sri......... locality are predominantly Iyengars and Iyers.

Not sure if my fair skin or my knowledge in carnatic music made them to think I should be from this particular caste .  Whenever I was asked this question I resist giving this answer " If crab eating people are Iyers then I am an Iyer too : ) ". Being  young and naive and brought up in a family where we don't make fun of  elders I bite my tongue and say " I am not from "sri..." and I am not a Brahmin.

Later on when the same question was asked by my colleagues of my  age , I would tell them my famous answer" If crab eating people are brahmins , hee hee I am a brahmin too".  After an initial shock, they would get the joke and burst into laughter.

I no longer get this question when I travel alone. Thanks to my screwed up hormones my skin has become brown.

I no longer get this question when I travel with my family . Thanks to tall , broad and almost dark skinned husband . His accent and belly speaks for us ; ).

New tech gadget idea from a 7 month old

NR  plays with my piano for fun.  He has been doing this since he was able to sit on my lap around 5 months old. Initially he used to watch me play. When he was able to use his hand he started hitting the keyboard and loved it thoroughly. I change the voice to different instuments and found he loved the drums and pipes especially drums.

My morning ritual is to have him in my lap and check my emails in our office room.  So my sweet baby started noticing the keyboard. He will watch me type something and look at the monitor immediately.  I have no clue how a six month can learn this basics of computers. To add more fun to our morning ritual I download this program designed for babies from and allowed him to play with the computer keyboard . Oh boy he goes wild and he absolutely loves this program.

After two weeks  gap, today  I made him to use the piano .My precious little NR kuttan did something which made dull ,hazy morning so bright.  After hitting the piano keyboard he kept looking at the empty wall in front of him expecting a visual to appear.  So sweet to watch an almost 8 month old NR constantly looking up after hitting the keys expecting a animated visual to appear just like the babysmash program. Afterwards, he started looking up on the roof.  How cool it is to have computer which will beam an image anywhere in room even in the roof.

Cool gadget idea from a 7 month old guy. Any takers?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Love for Briyani

I come from a non vegetarian family. My mom was a working woman so we had a big non-vegetarian feast on Sundays. Sunday's lunch usually consists of chicken or mutton varieties, very rarely sea food.

I had developed an aversion for meat early on in my life. I used to accompany my servant maid to buy chicken or mutton from the butcher shop. The butcher shop in India is a tiny shack barely having roof. Huge trunk of a tree served as a butcher block. The meat is cut in front of the customer in normal humid temperature. The body of the goat hung on a hook with flies flying around the meat. As a kid it was very traumatizing experience to see the whole de-skinned goat hanging on a single hook. The sight of red flesh scared the hell out of me. I always used to hide behind my servant maid "Deivanai . I happily called her "Theva-yanai aka god's elephant.

The aroma of chicken or mutton cooking on the cooker filled the kitchen .I avoided going to the kitchen on days when my mom cooked meat. My mom in her best effort to make me eat non-veg korma would add lot of potatoes in Korma. My Sunday lunch menu used to be curd rice with potatoes from mutton or chicken korma. She often made chicken/mutton biryani. My mom's logic was that biryani absorbs the fats from meat so I'll get the animal protein : ). I ate the biryani rice but never ate the meat pieces. My love for Non-Veg biryani with thalicha blossomed thanks to my mother's efforts and persuasion to make me eat meat.

When we used to go for marriage parties in India, my husband used to sit in between me and my MIL. I pass the chicken/mutton pieces from biryani onto his plate and my MIL passes his favorite sweets. Thus we made him "BHIM BOY". BHIM Boy's belly is still holding fat from all those food he gobbled at the marriage feasts. When he left for US, oh boy! MIL and his dear wife missed him terribly during the marriage feast.

The red meat in the deli/meat section still makes me uncomfortable. Last time when my mother in law visited us, we went to get mutton from an ethnic food store. The store is run by a Pakistani and he sells halal meat. He tried to get a fresh cut and invited us to the freezer room. I went along with my MIL and completely shocked by what I saw. I saw the whole goat with skin removed. I was holding my MIL's hand at that time and my hands started shaking the moment he opened the freezer room. Even my MIL who has handled meat all her life felt little uneasy. It took me 10 minutes to come out of the shocked state. I was angry with myself for going to the freezer room. I think the "grown up in me" wanted to check my fear of seeing a de-skinned animal. Apparently, I haven't got ridden of my fear.

When we lived in India after our marriage for a year, I always cooked sea food on Sundays. In US, I am fine handling chicken. Chicken meat is packed clean with no traces of blood and they don't have strong smell like fresh cut chicken meat. I have now inherited the tradition of making chicken biryani often at my house. Now I am an expert in making chicken dishes. My chicken dishes are great hit in our office parties. I've started eating little pieces of breaded chicken and the chicken 65. BTW, I make all the chicken dishes without tasting the meat. CB is the official chicken dish taster at our house.

Bye Bye Spinach love

I used to love spinach to the extent that I had to have a spinach dish once in a week atleast. The more the merrier. I made simple dishes like spinach masiyal, moongdal with spinach, palak paneer (palak tofu - I substitute tofu with paneer).

Thanks to NR, My love for spinach started fading slowly and now I have come to a point even the sight of spinach dish gives me goose bumps.

Readers who have a baby will know the reason for this. Readers with no kids, come back and read this after having a baby.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

I wish to grow old like her

During my visit to India first thing which attracts me when I get out of airport are the faces of older women. Women‘s face adorned with big pottu (bhindi) having a casual conversation with friends/ relatives and walking/shopping around in their own pace.

That generation of  women who raised their kids with love, kindness and discipline because they had all the time at their disposal. They lived in world which never expected them to lead a dual role as professional women and a mom.

Today in the name of progress ,we are slowly losing/erasing this good aspect of life. Every action is timed and we are always in hurry with endless plans about something or other. I wish to grow older and be kind like her though I am not blessed with a  voice like hers not even near ; )

The Hindu
Photo courtesy: The Hindu

She very much resembles my ammuma. It’s been more than 30 years since my ammuma died. Lately I have been thinking about my dearest ammuma a lot . I wish she was alive to see my cute son.

A thanksgiving to remember

NR  spent the day on CB’s shoulders and happily enjoyed his dad’s company.We didn’t have any special plans for thanksgiving this year due to NR daily schedule and our forthcoming trip to India. I was not even able to plan a simple thanksgiving meal since I was sick for last couple of weeks. I was little disappointed with myself for not celebrating NR’s first thanksgiving in a special way till I switched the TV on  in the evening.

I thanked god for giving us this peaceful evening filled with warm meal, warm house and warm company. This song which I sings often came to my mind.

It brought back my memories of Sep 11th 2001. We woke by a frantic phone call from a friend .We saw horrors of planes hitting the twin towers on TV. For the first time in my life I was so depressed. I went thru depression for more than a month in my way leading life like a zombie not able to feel happy or satisfied which was totally “not me”. My daily commute to work and daily tasks got me thru the tough time.

I learnt to see this world in a different way like my fellow Americans. We witnessed the generosity of this great nation. Both government and community came in a big way to help the victims. Most Americans move on and lead a normal life after this great tragedy. It taught us to be ready as couple to face the unknowns. It made us to prepare our estate planning and other essential stuff .

This thanksgiving evening I saw the generosity of the community again.  A Reserve Army soldier had bought a home in Kennewick, WA. His home owner's Association president threatened to sue him for not landscaping his yard. The soldier is serving in Middle East and the landscapers he'd hired skipped town. His pregnant wife was staying with her family in the east coast. Thanks to 65 volunteers 18,000 sqft of lawn was laid at his house within couple of hours. Read the news here.

I am hoping the community of Mumbai  and Indians in general should show the spirit of  kindness and courage during this difficult times. Our prayer goes to all the fallen heroes and victims of Mumbai city.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Heartfelt goodbye to Brenden Foster a Noble soul

Good bye dear Brenden. Though we haven't met I am going to remember you forever in my life. I will introduce you to my little son NR .Hope NR will get a noble heart just like you to help others.

You gave us hope and reminded us that good souls outnumbers bad souls on this earth. This earth needs more guardian angels like  you. May your soul  rest in peace .

Brenden Foster
Photo Courtesy KATU.COM

About Brenden Foster (News from website)

Boy shares heartbreaking last wish

By KOMO Staff

LYNNWOOD, Wash. -- Doctors gave 11-year-old Brenden Foster two weeks to live.Those two weeks were up on Wednesday. On Friday, he shared his last wish.

Not yet a teenager, Brenden's time to die has come."I should be gone in a week or so," he said.Brenden was the kid who ran the fastest, climbed the highest and dreamed of becoming a marine photographer. Leukemia took away all those things, but not his dying wish to help others.

"He's always thought about others. Never complained about having to go through this, ever," said his mother, Wendy Foster.

When Brenden was first diagnosed with leukemia, he and his mom began a new tradition. Every night they list three positive things that happened during the day, and they have to share a laugh. A chuckle will do, Brenden said, but a fake laugh will never do.

In the last days of his life, it was a homeless camp, namely Nickelsville, that captured the boy's heart.

"I was coming back from one of my clinic appoints and I saw this big thing of homeless people, and then I thought I should just get them something," he said.

Brenden is too ill to leave his bed and feed the homeless. He walked into an emergency room last December and hasn't walked since.

But Brenden's wish will not go unfulfilled. A group planned to gather in his honor on Friday night to make sandwiches and deliver them to the homeless.

"We're making 200 sandwiches -- half ham and cheese, and half peanut butter and jelly. He didn't want them all to be peanut butter and jelly in case somebody was allergic to peanut butter," said Jennifer Morrison, one of the participants.

"They're probably starving, so give them a chance," said Brenden.

Brenden, surrounded by love and wise beyond his years, urges others to follow their dreams.

"Mine already came true," he said.

Brenden has relapsed for the last time. There is no chemo, no more transfusions; just comfort medications.

"It's devastating, but I find great peace in knowing we've had our time together and that we will see each other again," said Wendy.

Brenden has one more wish for the afterlife: become an angel who accomplishes even more in heaven than he did on Earth.

"I had a great time and until my time has come, I'm gonna keep having a good time," he said.

Don't cry for Brenden. He doesn't want leukemia to claim any more tears.

How to help

Go to the Problem Solvers donation page and select "Brenden Foster Food Drive" from the donation options list. 

 Read the news about Brenden Foster  , update on Brenden Foster Food drive

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Windup Toys

 NR has very few toys to play with and most of them  gifted by friends. He is very fascinated with our hands, legs and face. CB and I constantly entertain him with our hand’s mimicking various animals, objects along with sounds. CB shows all kinds of silly faces. NR gives non stop giggles when we entertain him with our face and hands.

We want him to grow up feeling happy just like us being grateful for  simple things/blessings  in his life. As a couple we enjoy simple moments in our life than a lavish lunch/dinner at an expensive restaurant or expensive gifts . Simple things in our life make us happier like a stroll in the park during the weekday or spending some quiet time at home with each other. This was the reason we fell in love with each other 17 years ago .  We shared the same values, beliefs and philosophy in life though  we are from a different religious background. Life in US or success in our career haven't changed us a bit. CB and I  are two simple people leading simple life with no drama.

NR has started playing with toys and I was planning to get him some age appropriate toys like this, this, this  and this. I want to avoid buying big chunky plastic toys as much possible. I am going to try my best to keep this resolution.

Past Sunday, I was running an errand and I parked my car in front of a toy store. I ha n't visited this toy store since NR’s birth. I went inside and searched for the toys to buy for NR. Then I saw a 5-year-old girl trying out all sorts of windup toys on the floor and it brought back my childhood memories. I am not an  impulsive buyer but ended up buying lot of windup toys for NR.

I had a favorite tin windup toy – a skating monkey which skates and somersaults. This is was in mid seventies and having such a toy was big luxury at that time in small town like mine which never had a toy store. I don’t think even now my hometown has a decent toy store . Anyways, coming back to skating monkey toy, this was the popular toy when kids of my age or less/more visited our home. I shared all my toys with visiting play mates but I used to have few unlikable adamant visitors .They were the adamant  kids who want to take the toys with them to their home . They did everything in their power to get what they wanted. My dad always made me to give the toys . At that time I felt he was a villain like Nambiar. But the skating monkey always came back to me thanks to their parents. Later on when I heard if those kids were visiting us again, I  cleverly hid my toys. I never had guts to stand up against bullies neither then  nor now.

Feeding solid foods to NR is a big task by itself which takes me at least 45 minutes. I have to get all the tricks under my sleeve to make him open his mouth. I used these windup-toys on his high chair and it was an instant hit. He opened his mouth wide with his giggles and ate his food faster .One drawback was, he spat out more food than usual due to thunderous laughs.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Calling amma - Starting words thanks to pain

While sitting on his new high chair last thrusday, NR hit his head with the hanging toy. He cried "amma, amma, amma". Wow, he called me amma . I am teaching him to say  amma and appa for months now . NR is appa paiyan(papa's boy). I am kind of happy in a weird :) way to know that he wants me when he is in pain .

BTW, I have changed the hanging toy to the left side, so it is now difficult for him to pull the toy up to his head .

He loves the toy which came with the chair . CB sings this song "Frère Jacques, frère Jacques, dormez-vous? Dormez-vous? " to NR and the musical toy has this tune. Papa and son are singing/listening to this song non stop which making me crazy.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Divya menon - I love her voice

When my pregnancy was confirmed I took 3 months leave . I fully utilised my time-off , by listening to music and cooking my favourite food. Music  filled my heart and my house every minute of the day. I found Divya menon's blog thru another music blog.  I became an ardent music fan.

It's been long time since somebody's voice has such immense effect on me. She has a good future in the music industry. I had requested her to post full version of "omana thingal kidavoo" for NR. She was kind enough to post another tharattu song for NR. NR loves this song. You will too if you hear this song .

Love for music runs in the family

My extended family (maternal side) members are great music lovers thanks to my ammuma (grandma) and appupa (grandpa) for instilling great interest in  music. My grandparents listened to lot of Hindi, Malayalam, carnatic and tamil songs in their gramophone. They loved a Ustad Alla Rakha and Mukeshji.

My grandparents had 6 girls and two boys. My mother’s eldest sisters were well known professional carnatic singers. And each and everyone one in the family learnt traditional carnatic music vocal/instrument. My grandpa dreamt of having a carnatic music troupe, each one of his children specializing in carnatic instrument/vocal. His dream never came true and only two of his daughters became professional carnatic singers. But others in the family has good knowledge of carnatic music.

My mother took violin lesson during her elementary school days. My mother had a good taste for music but she was too lazy or not interested to follow traditional music lesson which reduced her idling/play time. When she came home after her music class, she would start playing her favorite film songs on violin. Her family knew at that time that she would not  advance in her music career :). And it came true, when she broke her violin and that brought an end to her violin lessons.

During our family gatherings, there will be a group singing or my periyammas will sing our favorite carnatic numbers accompanied by periyappa on mridangam (my eldest periyamma’s husband is a professional Mridangam artist ). They used  Tambura instead of the music box. They taught me to play Tambura . I used to get a rare opportunity to play Tambura when they practiced at home or duing marghali masam(Marghali month) recitals at home.

The sound of Tambura is so magical and divine. Tambura's natham (sound) made me to choose “Veenai. I took Veenai lessons for couple of years at college. I fondly remember those times. I had to relocate to Chennai for higher studies and I stopped learning Veenai.

I stayed in my eldest periyamma’s house in Chennai during my Anna university days  and took up vocal lesson from my periyamma who took music classes for children and adults.  Somehow I never had opportunity to continue my Veenai practice after school due to my career. My Veenai still lies in the same spot in my bed room at my parent’s house. During my upcoming India trip, I need to repair it and donate the Veenai to some deserving student.

I used to( before NR's arrival) listen to songs from the time I wake up till I go to sleep. Listening to carnatic/tamil songs in my car made my daily drive to work a breeze. CB likes good music but  listens only to english songs. He listens to few tamil movie songs which are evergreen melodies like “Nilavey vaa” , “kadalin deepam onru (old rajni hit). I wonder how he got influenced by western music than his native language songs .I think his school, his Anglo Indian friends and his RC Christian background and the church choir might have influenced him more than the language he spoke fluently at home.

When I was pregnant with NR I listened to carnatic/devotional songs, tamil/malayalam film song non stop . When he was in my womb, NR played soccer  (my guess : ) ) with his non stop pointed kicks. Listening to Harivarasanam calmed him. After birth he goes to sleep when he listens to Harivarasanam , Omana thingal kidavoo . During bed time CB plays Baby Love – quiet time  lullaby CD for NR.

Even as a 3 weeks old baby NR needed constant entertainment.  So I sang a lot of nursery songs to him.  That became our daily routine and he listens to songs for an hour in the morning after his breakfast. NR has his own preference in listening to songs. If he doesn’t like the songs he will let you know by raising his voice or crying. All I have to do was to play his fave no, he will immediately  give big wide smile and start kicking his legs out of joy. My new job is being a personal DJ for my six month old. He prefers female singers with the exception of KJ Yesudoss and Bala murali Krishna.

As a six months old baby, NR can track the moving objects . He has started showing interest in watching the videos of  his favorite nursery songs from you tube. When my niece visited us from India, she introduced him to couple of song which has become his favourite like BalGanesh - Naache Dhin Dhin Dhintak, Varam Varam poochandi (tamil folk song), Nakka mukka (tamil movie song).

Halloween 2008 - He became a "SHE pumpkin"

Last eleven years  Halloween came and went .  We loved watching kids/children with Halloween costumes . I love the little  girls beautifully dressed in princess /fairy costume in-spite of the cold weather (girls can never let themselves down for weather right?) asking trick or treat in their quite & shy voice(s). We loved spoiling them with good chocolates.

I had one fun Halloween episode six years back,  a chubby young Chinese boy paid couple of visits to our home  trying to get more chocolates. Every time he altered his costume a bit . First visit he came with full costume with mask & dress.  Second visit he removed the mask but with same dress. The third visit was with a paper grocery bag mask , barely having two holes for his eyes and one for his nose.   I admired his creativity and went along with him. He tried the same trick for next couple of years. And then, I did not see this little boy for last couple of years. I thought to myself may be the moved or I didn't take notice of him. This Halloween I got the answer . The little boy is now  a big boy (I should say verrrrrrrrrrrrrry big boy)and by his physical appearance I guess he should be in his middle school or freshmen in high school.

This Halloween we had our new little boy " NR".  A month back, I bought a little bee costume for NR . We tried the costume a week before Halloween and it was bit bigger for him. CB got a "Pea-pod" costume in 6 -9 month size, which was too tight for him. Finally he bought a pumpkin costume just the day before Halloween. 

It was a pretty busy day for me .My blog friend Sheela planned to visit us with her daughter Ana. But on her way to our house  she got news about her baby boy Sam running high fever. So she has to return back . I was eager to meet her and her cute daughter Ana but we postponed our meeting to some future date.

I dressed NR in his pumpkin costume. More often NR gets compliments as "she" instead of "he".  Halloween day was no different and everybody said "oh she looks sooooo cute".  I politely told everybody that NR is boy. Later when placing his costume back in the package , I noticed the picture. A baby girl was posing for the costume. CB had purchased a baby girl pumpkin costume for his son.  CB has some explaining to do when NR grows up and sees his first halloween pictures.

I never knew that even pumpkin costume is gender based : ) .oh well, after all this is our first baby and CB is allowed to do such goof ups right ? .


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Our sleep position circa 2008 BC

Recently I took the sleep test from this site ,  The Result

The Secret Language of Sleep:
A Couple's Guide to the Thirty-Nine Positions

YEAH right.That was our sleep position circa 2008 BC (BC - BEFORE CHILD)

This is our sleep position 2008 AC (AC - AFTER CHILD)

Scene 1 : Master Bedroom King size bed occupied by a tiny baby and not so tiny Mom :)

Scene 2: Guest Bedroom Queen size bed occupied by a  displaced father :(

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

US election 2008 - A change happenned

History is made - thanks to a landslide victory.  I am glad to live in this country during this historical moment. America once again proved that democracy prevails no matter what color or race or religion you belong to. Every Americans/first generation immigrants truly believe that their dreams can come true someday with hard work, faith ,honesty ,integrity and passion.

America welcomes its new president Mr. Barack Obama.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Diwali 2008

Growing up in a small town in Tamil Nadu, my Diwali day was centered on wearing the new outfits, grand feast with family, distributing sweets to friends and relatives and having a good afternoon nap . I still get excited  during festival times even after living in US for more than a decade. Food brings fond memories both old and new . I managed to make Mysorepa, Boondhi laddu (tamil style), Badam Burfi, Murukku and Ribbon pakkoda this year.

I celebrated this Diwali with NR kuttan. NR cooperated so well today and watched me tidying up the house with his big bright trademark smile. He did not have the usual separation anxiety episodes. Taking care of 6 month old with no help makes life challenging especially during festival times. With the usual morning chores for NR, I managed to take a shower around noon. CB surprised us by bringing lunch from an Indian restaurant in spite of his hectic Monday schedule. He knew that it's not possible for me fix a festival meal with a six month old baby.

For every Diwali we celebrated in US, I used to wear ethnic dress and jewels and  visited our friends to distribute home-made palakaram (sweets and snacks) .This year we did not do our regular rounds  since CB taught a class that evening. We planned to visit friends during the course of this week when we get time.

NR took a nap during pooja time.  I thought I’d had to do pooja alone. With Divine intervention, my good friend decided to visit us exactly when I started the pooja. We prayed together and exchanged sweets. This Diwali I am thankful for getting our special and long-awaited gift NR . And also for getting back my physical strength on time to prepare sweets and snacks for Diwali after difficult pregnancy and postpartum.

Friday, October 10, 2008

17th year Valentine's day card

Over the course of 17 years , I had received many gifts as part of valentines day celebration. I love receiving a hand written letter/card  .This valentines day was a special one for us. I was eight months pregnant expecting our first baby boy NR. .  I received this simple card for valentines day and it said it all.

"When I count my blessings, I always think of you " - Hubby

No gifts , flowers would have given me, the immense satisfaction knowing that I am doing the good job as a wife  : ). I said little prayer thanking god for giving me this happy moment.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First Post

Entering the blogdom to jot down my random thoughts and special memories as and when it happens