Wednesday, October 28, 2009

That special friend

I have this one special friends whom I treasure much. She has been my friends since 4th grade . She knows me well .  I have been going thru this stressful phase for last couple months thanks to the elderly relative staying with us. 

Today I was venting out somethings going on in my life with her and we shared notes on how things are going on in our life. I feel very light and clear after talking to her because she made sense. Good friends always brings out that goodness in you and constantly reminds you to use it more . 

Thanks SP . I treasure your friendship. I truly do.

Long waited event happenned :)

I have been waiting for NR to take few steps on his own. Kids of his age are walking,running and hopping  around and my little fellow is still crawling. He has been cruising around the house holding sofas, coffee table, wall, tables or anything that he can get hold of  for last six month. But never took a step on his own without support.

He started taking few baby steps on his own to the delight of his mom and paternal grandma. He wanted to show his grandma his "Independent walk" ten days before her journey back to India and before his 18 month dr visit.

I never forced myself in believing milestones as per baby books. Every kid is different and they are sent to this earth with all necessary set of traits to lead their life. As child I never allowed myself to be compared with others because I am who I am and not them.  Tiny part of me was worried about him not reaching this milestones like other kids though he was standing and cruising  for hours at time playing with his car on the TV cabinet since he was 12 months old . When I shared this worry with  CB  his reply was "whatever is going to happen" he is going to be our son right  ?" which  made me to smile.  That words of  pride as a father and supportive husband and friend reassured me that I have a strong hands to hold me and guide me in this life path no matter what life brings to us.  We have always walked together thru all the testing times in our life and every unexpected incidents in our life has made us stronger as a couple. 

I am happy to see NR doing the duck/drunken walk around the house . I am very thankful for that.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Food Battles lost and won by a New mom

The topic of this  post by UTBT  comes close to my heart. As a new mom I am struggling to teach the basic skills to my 16 month old son. I have a picky eater and a stubborn child. I try everything by trial and error. And by experience (at least for last  4 months) learnt that being cool and not setting any expectation during breakfast/dinner/lunch makes things more easy and relaxing.

 I have being doing what I feel is right for my son and have never compared my kid with any other child when it comes to milestone or eating habits or for that matter for anything. He is his own individual self. Every kid is born and blessed with all the skills necessary. It is matter of time that differs for each individual kid to develop that skill into trait needed for everyday sustenance.

 When I started solid food at 5 months he refused to eat. I tried different combination but nothing worked. I used to feel incompetent knowing that I am not doing enough to make him eat solids. When we went to India my son was almost 9 months I started giving cerelac and he loved it instantly.   He finished the whole bowl of cerelac quickly and I was pleasantly surprised since he ate a little or no solids till that time.  That was the eye opener for me. I knew he will eat if he likes the food and I need to be a food detective. Strictly following diet recommended by dr /books was not helping me (what’s up with baby book discouraging giving sugars to babies).

 He doesn’t like to drink water and eating cerelac constipated him. When I consulted the dr in India he asked me to stop cerelac and feed him adult food. Little did he know that cerelac was the only solid food he ate at that time.  NR never liked idlis or dal rice. So, stopping cerelac meant not giving him solid food. We started feeding wheat cerelac with pear puree. That helped a bit but it didn’t solve the problem. Necessity is the mother of invention right?. I researched and made magic potion rich in fiber and started using it in his breakfast and dinner cereal.

 I slowly started introducing different foods. He rejected every new food outright, threw up what ever he eat but I promised myself that I am not going to get anxious or discouraged. He hated solid foods and did everything in his power to get his bottle of milk.  I was pressured by one adult person aka “The Bayathankuli dad” to give what ever he wanted. I also noticed when I am anxious or angry NR senses that energy from me and imitates the same during those feeding.

 Feeding time became a learning experience for both of us. I just went by my gut instinct. I also realized what he disliked at one point he loved them after few months but whenever I switched or changed the food he always made a scene trying to throw up. I learnt consistency is the key both food wise and by mood wise. I gave/give him all the freedom to select his food. I don’t force the food he dislikes. But when he rejects the food he loves, I keep my coolness and continue feeding him no matter what he does. He realized that he has no other way except to eat his food.  I also found the art of engaging him in an interesting conversation like talking about his favorite things or showing his favorite stuff.  I noticed when his mind is distracted by other things he ate his food quietly. To my surprise he loved all the healthy food specially spinach dal rice. 

 He started eating solids meals three times a day from 13 months including mashed boiled egg with cheese and pepper, mashed fish, mashed chicken rice, mixed veggie +dal rice, chicken soup rice, pumpkin rice and pal satham (milk rice with sugar). He prefers mashed rice instead of chunky ones. As long he eats healthy food I am fine with it. NR  is vocal about his taste and  would exclaim with sounds like "emmmm"  just after taking first bite of his fav food. Spinach dal rice and mashed boiled eggs received this instant approval and has become his fav food.

 Around 12th month I switched his cerelac for adult instant oats and he loves it. NR eats his breakfast oats with one banana and dinner oats with one variety of fruit everyday. Replacing fiber rich oats for cerelac and switching to cow’s milk after 12 month stopped his constipation completely .

 Even successfully and patiently trained to like water and drink from sipper cup .  This was such a huge accomplishment for me :)  since even the seasoned veteran moms  in the family were never able to make this little guy drink water. Patience, patience and only patience helped me during those long six months of training though at times I really wanted to exchange NR for an easy going kid. 

 My next challenge is to train NR  to eat chunky and adult food. Any advice, suggestion or ideas welcomed from seasoned mothers : ).