Sunday, June 28, 2009

Learning to speak one word at a time

NR's first word was "amma". His second was "that-ta(tata as in bye)" .  During our stay in India he started calling my younger sister "ith-tha" (chitha), my brother "mama " (uncle) and his wife "Pappa".  We were quite surprised why he kept calling her pappa though we taught him the right word "Athai". After couple of months we solved the mystery.

My chithappa (father's younger brother) has been referring a  baby doll (girl) in the showcase  as "pappa" to him.  My SIL looks like a school girl . I think to a 11 month old brain she resembled the doll hence pappa. she brings such a vibrant and happy energy where ever she is  . She was entertaining NR  like a eight year old girl.  Our guy treated his athai like a playmate . It's a daily routine for my SIL to take out the doll and teach him "Ethu pappa, nan athai" ("That's doll , I am your aunty") in a typical malayali accent ,but he always calls her pappa ; ).

He was calling CB as "Afffaa" (Appa -dad) and some how it got changed to "Papa".  

 I sing old mc donald to him everyday (read every single hour of the day) . I pause for few sec when I sing "And on the farm he had some"? then say the animal name. One day he cooly replied "kowve". That started "Iwant to repeat what you say " phase.  If he can't repeat the words , he makes perfect noise which mimics the word like for butterfly he would repeat "bubba iiiiiiii".

Seeing the tulips on our yard in full bloom last month , he said "Poo, Poo" (Poo means flower in my native language) . He picked up this word from kachuri ammuma who used to show and teach him flowers in different color every single day while weaving garlands for deities before pooja.  She has a garden with wide arrays of colorful flowers meant for deities.  He never said that word during our stay in India but decided to say it , while sitting happily in his cozy living room in america.

I started playing throw-catch ball game with him ever since received his first ball last Dec. It's fun to watch him throw the ball saying "thow"  and then running behind it  to retrieve it like little puppy. Everything is thrown around  the house his car, book, block, bottles which many times lands on his  head .  When I hear the word "thow " and if he is not in my vicinity, I dash to him like mad woman wanting to avoid major mishaps. Whoever said "Having a baby is a bliss" forgot to add the phrase "provided you have 10 people to help you around"

These days, going for walks with him is fun . He would keep saying words cars , thee, pooveh , bow bow all of which we see in plenty during our walks.

NR's dictionary of words

Kow-ve = Cow

Baaa-oll       = Ball

Baa-awk =  Block

Baow = Bird

aaaoy = Boy (seeing little boy in his fav book "It's good thing you are not an Octopus")

booooooook = Book

Bow bow = Dog

Bu car       = Blue Car

Carrrrrr  = Car

Cock = Clock

Poo or Poovay = Flower

ith-theee = Tree

mum mum = Any eatables or anything remotely resembling food.

TATT-TA  = tata/bye

orrrrrrs    =  horse

iththow =  Throw

Nr's fav words are car, cock and thow . He uses these words hundred times day when he spot car/toys or clock .  

NR is 14 month 16 days old

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Polar Bear Polar Bear what do you hear

"Polar Bear Polar Bear what do you hear ?" is NR's favorite book.

In my desperate efforts to entertain him while trying to make him sit, I started reading him books since he was 5 months old . This book was one of the books first set of books I brought from library. Out of those 12 books, two books became his favorite books. 

How do I know? He  was never interested in looking into other books. He will turn his face right or left continuously while reading other books. When did I notice this ? The very first time. 

 He received his own copy of these two book as Christmas gifts last year.  The books travels with him everywhere .

Till this date he treasure this book. He gave his first clap when I took out this book to read when he was 10 months old. His face oozes with happiness (also with tonnes of  jollu ) when he sees this book.  Whenever he cries or has separation anxiety or temper tantrums all I have to do is to take out this book.  Unfortunately I packed these two books in checked luggage and had a tough time during our travel to India. I made sure to have them handy during our return trip. He never liked sitting in the "facing out" position during take off and landing.  so these two books came handy during landing and take off during our return journey. 

He is so familiar with all the animals in the books, he was psyched to see them in person during his first zoo trip last month.  

Another fav book is "It's good thing you are not an Octopus".


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My new clutch

I have been sporting a new clutch from last year

I along with a trusted partner created this clutch

I am crazy about this clutch 

I have been eyeing, admiring  and speaking to my cute clutch even during the making process.

I have been expressing my love, admiration and even my frustration . 

My clutch was just showing the feelings  and now clutch is talking to me

I am the  in house specialist  who can decipher clutch's dialogue and requirements

 I even change my clutch's liners many times a day just to have fresh scent

The best part of having this clutch  is

- I can dress my clutch to my desired color and fashion 

- I love it more when my clutch is naked

My clutch grows along with me so is the weight of the clutch

The best part is "My Clutch" never likes to part from me.

I should have renamed the title to "My Fore ever Clingy Clutch"

However, I want this to clutch to grow up to be luggage so I can drag it along ; ) to give much needed break to my hips